Saturday, February 18, 2012

Last of January & First Half of February

January 30th 

We took the kids to Jump On It for family home evening. They had a great time and even made some new friends. It was a fun night!

January 31

This used to be one of Andrew's favorite snacks when he was little but he hasn't had it for a long time. He came home from school really hungry and sad on the 31st. I made him this plate and it totally made him smile. Mission accomplished. 

February 1st

Emma went to the orthodontist today and got red and pink rubber bands for Valentine's Day. Her teeth have come such a long way this past year. I can't wait to see her when the braces come off.

February 2nd

Today Andrew got a much needed haircut. His hair was longer than it had ever been and sadly it wasn't cute. This is the shortest it's been in a very long time. I love it!

February 3rd

It's time to get serious. My trick-or-treaters have to be done soon and I haven't even started. Today I HAD to start on my ghost. So not fun! I didn't even finish him...

February 4th

Today is the day before the Super Bowl. Macey's was having a huge party and the "Big Sexy Truck" was there. Hot diggity I love this truck. If I had looked better I would have gotten a picture on me ON the truck. 

February 5th

Today is the Super Bowl. Normally we have a lot of food like chips and dip, chips and salsa, veggie trays, etc but since I am trying to eat healthier we didn't get all that stuff. I did break down and make cookies and we had chips and salsa. I ate too much but it could have been much worse.

February 6th

I decided to indulge myself a little. I placed an order with Saphora and got a few goodies. I got the Naked 2 palette. It's sooo pretty.

February 7th

How cute is this set?!? I love these lip glosses more than I can say. They're so pink!

February 8th

Finally got Mr. Ghost done. I guess it wasn't THAT bad. I'm kidding, it really was that bad.

February 9th

Two down, one to go, less than one day left. This guy was so hard. Shoot me now!

February 10th

Today Paul and I went to Taco Amigo for lunch. Then we went to In N Out for dinner. This is so not good for my weight.

February 11th

I finished, with an hour to spare. Good golly miss Molly. Is this class over yet?

February 12th

Time to get the rest of this dough used up so it is no longer a temptation.

February 13th

Andrew decided to make his own Valentine box this year. He wanted a robot. He did almost all of it by himself. I just wrapped the box for him.

February 14th

My favorite day of February, Valentine's Day!!! We had a pretty dang good time. 

February 15th

We have tried so many new recipes lately it's blowing my mind. This Spicy Chicken Salad was really good. I will most definitely make it again.

February 16th

Emma had a late (9:00pm) game tonight. It was weird being out so late on a school night but I'm glad we were. We got to see the G all lit up. It was sooo cool!